Since these eyes are dealing with disease that slowly robs me of sight, I’ve spent a lot of time pondering over the blessing of what I can see. Where, at one time, I may have casually seen things in passing, it’s no longer that simple. With the illness, this whole sight gift is more beautiful, full, and awesome than ever. So for today’s post, I will sneak in beautiful photos of some of the treats available for the looking…
Just a smattering of visual delights that we enjoy with our eyes.
The world is full of Mother Nature’s glory. Will I remember to hone in and appreciate all She offers? I hope so. Flowers are amazing. Intricate, delicate, colorful and living testaments to God’s creation. I’d best enjoy it to the fullest – every day I’m able!
I don’t want to take anything for granted. Not one smile. Not looking into the shining eyes of a loved one. Not one perfect flower or jaw-droppingly beautiful sunset. Not one huge moon. Nothing. Because I have come to joyfully appreciate that I can still see things.
Like the red moon the first of this week. What a heart stopping gift to see! Any moon in the night sky is a perfect one to enjoy. The glories of Mother Nature are simply awesome.

A Perfect Moon in the Sky
“Take time to smell the roses” is a good suggestion. I also offer taking time to really “See” all the thing that are in perfect view. They’re worth looking at and feeling. Yes, there is a feeling of goodness in nature. A sincerely appreciated side affect is that, for me, it has taken away the sting of severe glaucoma and offered me a quiet, sweet appreciation for ALL the gifts of God. All the tending people take for the beautification of their yards and gardens. All the natural beauty freely offered. But sometimes, for all of us, not noticed.
I try to remember that we are loved and compensated when we keep our faith. I remember that His eye is on the sparrow, and He watches me. Can I always remember that when things get truly hard – as they do from time to time for all of us- that there is balm and peace in seeing the beauties around us? There is peace in graceful nature. Will I remember? I hope so!

Peace in Nature
We can be steered through the tough times and have the weight of the problem carried. It will probably not disappear, but energy comes in unexpected, different ways. One is as easy as noticing the beauty so we may receive the calming it offers. I have begun to see that sight is more than what I visualize with my mortal eyes. It’s what I process in my heart. And that increased gratitude inside my soul can magnify the beauties right in front of my eyes. I’d best notice!
A picture of beloved family members is a treasure. It reminds me of their happy times, and adds to my metal memory file.
I probably need to state here that sharing my personal stuff today is a celebration. It doesn’t sound like it, right? Here’s what it is so- regardless of what I deal with or what comes my way, I don’t have to do it alone. There is heavenly help close by to uplift me, to help me through, to grant me peace and to remind me of all the blessings still available.
Look at my daughter and two of her daughters having a blast at the Color Festival! These are faces worth celebrating! The perspective I have of years worth of smiles, laughter, tears and sorrow are etched in my heart. I see it all. And I see it without the use of my physical eyes.
It’s the little tweaking of attitude that is given [I don’t think I’m brave enough or well enough equipped to come up with it on my own] to keep me above the waves that might overwhelm, and delighting – much of the time- in the possibilities rather than limitations. Noticing the entire field of flowers and making grateful note of the single one when I make effort to really LOOK.
I’m hoping my thoughts are worth sharing so that it helps someone who is going though their own Hard Trial now. Maybe it’s you. I Don’t Want To Take Anything For Granted. Ever Again. Every single day gives me the chance to see drops on a single pedal of a single sweet flower. I get to Face Time with my daughter and see their family smiles and fun, silly faces. Their beautiful eyes and talking-with-hands hands! I’m able to see- as often as they can make it possible- the faces of all my kids and their families. Joyful stuff! Because I have other hard issues and I know you do, too, I write these things today to remind myself and you. We can do hard things. We just have to keep at it, and look for the goodness. Let’s encourage and inspire each other. Let’s remind others to REMEMBER and appreciate what we have. You want me to pray for you or think positive thoughts about you? Let me know and it will be done. I know we can help each other when we have eyes to see. Again, I’m not talking the physical eyes, but the heart, mind and intent to find and share goodness and love.
If I choose and accept heavenly tending, my faith is always going to be stronger than any difficulty that comes my way. That is comforting and sweet, and blesses to SEE in new, better ways. Now, as a grandmother, I understand the beauty of “aged” hands. They have held and comforted and been comforted. They’ve rocked and tended sick children. They’ve held on to loved ones when they needed strength. They’ve received so much love and worked a lot of hours, and gained beautiful experience. Now I jusst need to keep looking at what is areound me. And looking on the inside, to remember the things that are most beautiful. Most worth using my eyes to see. Such goodness.
And goodness matters. It really does.
Dear Vickey, what a beautiful reminder that beauty is not only meant to be seen, but far more important it is to be appreciated, created and shared. I will think about you often when something strikes that sweet chord of beauty and light!xxoo Mary Anne
Hi Mary Anne. Thank you very much for writing here. I feel honored… and appreciative… and humbled by your words. This journey with sight/ or less, has a beautiful purpose, I find more and more all the time. Your message struck a sweet chord in my heart. Love you.
I, too have glaucoma, and have realized how easily I took my eyesight for granted most of my life. I appreciate that I am still able to see, and I am much more careful of my eyes now. I am so thankful for having you as a dear friend, and for your wonderful insight that you bring into my world each day! You are a true Godsend , not only to me, but to all of your other family, friends and readers of your blog. Thank you for being you!
Much love,
Marguerite <3
Thanks so very much, Marguerite. I’ve had fiver surgeries now… and it’s interesting how things with the eyes seem – different, somehow, that other ailments. You, like I, can appreciate these eyes of ours! Here’s the gift and blessing – realizing what we HAVE and letting go of what we don’t .. don’t you think? Thank you. xoxo
Gorgeous pictures and beautiful thoughts. Living with gratitude for what we see and everything else, helps it all seem brighter.
Yes it does, Lisa! More and more I understand why we should keep Gratitude near the very top of our list, and find things to celebrate every single day. I DO believe that some things I can still see are more vibrant than they’ve ever been. Probably because I appreciate it more – there’s that gratitude you spoke of. Thank you, Lisa. 🙂
Such wise words. I have known a couple of people who were losing their eyesight and it seems to me that they are often compensated by receiving “inner eyesight” or spiritual eyesight. You definitely have that. Thank you for helping me to appreciate (again) the many gifts I enjoy. It’s hard to be grateful for something, if you don’t understand that it can be taken away at any time.
You write so beautifully – just like ‘you’ live. 🙂 I know of your goodness, Paulette, and your can – do attitude in the face of adversity. Thank you for your sweet, tender words. I love you and appreciate you. We are all in this together – all of us – aren’t we? 🙂
A BEAUTIFUL message today, Vickey, and always. You have given me a renewed sense of appreciation for sight, touch, sound, smell, hearing; things I sometimes forget to remember until I don’t have them or I am struggling with them.
I thank you for your beautiful sentiment of “I have begun to see that sight is more than what I visualize with my mortal eyes. It’s what I process in my heart”. That seems to encapsulate the message I needed today and the things I needed to be reminded of that matter most.
Thank you for your goodness, your hope, your faith, and your enduring righteously. You have blessed my life more than you will ever know. I thank you for being able to laugh, to cry, and to find joy and beauty in all things around us.
I’ll treasure these words of your, Heidi. It’s not until we hit the wall of things being taken away, some of us anyhow, that we realize what is there. While I make family members laugh often when what I think I see… is something very different. Picture, for example, driving down a road and I say, “Oh… look at that man. Is he okay? He’s bent over as though something is wrong.” To find out it’s not a man. It’s a dog. Or a stump. Or whatever… Ha. It does make for some funny moments.
Meanwhile, quietly, I celebrate that I can see anything at all, and sometimes keep my mouth shut so as not to humiliate myself further. ha
Regardless, there is so much goodness and beauty and loveliness around and about. So much to celebrate in joy. Thanks, my friend. Truly.
Vickey, no one that knows you would ever mistake this blog for you feeling badly for yourself. You are way too evolved for that, my dear sweet friend. The things that God has given us-our bodies, our senses, our mind and all that it is capable of…..these are things we tend to take for granted, until they begin slipping away from us. I know that it surely has to be sad to be losing a sense that gives you so much delight-vision is what gives us forever memories. And thanks to Heavenly Father for allowing our minds to be able to store all the beautiful and magnificent things we’ve seen, inside it. You will always remember the beauty of the sun coming up over the mountains, the faces of those you love…all the things you have experienced with your eyes. I admire more than words can tell, your faith and reliance in the Savior to be there with you, to help you throughout this journey we call “life.” You are so courageous. You are just one of the most courageous and faith-filled women I’ve ever had the pleasure to know personally. I wish we lived closer so that we could visit. I could stand to learn so much from you in every way. No response required. You are so humble-I just want you to know how much I admire the Godly way you live your life, and your outlook not only through the fun and silly times…..but through those dark and uncharted trials that the Lord blesses us all with. I know you are a special delight, in His eyes. God Bless ♥ xoxo
Oh Debbie. What kind words… much and deeply appreciated. Thank you. I wish we lived closer too. I do know His eye is on each of us, and there is a reason/lesson in all the things we encounter in our life. Isn’t it good to know we are never alone? Plus, the goodness of friends- whether near or far- bring strength and help So Much! Love you, Debbie.