She’s a good young woman. She gets it. That’s why, despite some really bothersome [and that’s saying it nicely] physical issues and a crazy- busy schedule, she finds time to help other people.
It’s ingrained in her, like a service-minded genetic imprint that has manifested itself since she was old enough to talk and understand.
Two years ago she started a Teen Service Group. She has spearheaded all kinds of good events and projects. She and her friends have made baby quilts for a safety house for women. They’ve collected toys for a local school, as a Christmas helper project. They have repeatedly visited a nursing home to talk with and bring joy to the residents there.
She has gathered a jaw- dropping amount of toys and other Christmas presents for a Homeless Shelter. An upcoming plan includes writing to military men and women, to boost their morale and lift their spirits. She and her friends have come up with simple, happy ways of making the world a better place.
There are so many good things to do in this world. But some folks wait for The Other Guy to instigate some kind of event or project. She doesn’t. Despite what’s going on in her own life, there is somehow time for turning an idea into a means of offering service to someone less fortunate. Maybe she inherently understands the beautiful words of Mother Teresa:
I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no more hurt, but only love
The key is not biting off more than she can chew. She figured small projects were better than none. So small is where she began. It continues to be the way she operates. Good for her. It will continue to grow and bring joy to the ones who can use a hand up in their lives.
Doing good, she has figured out, doesn’t need to be BIG to count. It just needs to begin where we are!

She’s like a lighthouse
This gal has a heart as caring as they come. She moves beyond her physical aches, pains and diseases to shine a light for others. She’s magnificant. She’s my oldest granddaughter. She’d die of embarrassment if I included a photo, so I won’t add one. But you know what?
She is inspirational to me. She’s a blessing. Biased or not, she rocks. She gets it. She’s one of the Good Youth in the world! We need goodness wherever we can find it and grow it.
Because Goodness Matters. And she knows it!
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