Vickey is a professional speaker, musician, and writer. Goodness makes her world go ’round!

I guess I’ve ended up doing exactly what I would have chosen, had I known it was an option. I kind of fell into this happy zone, and things have unfolded in a beautiful way–mostly because of the good folks I’ve met. Laughter is important to me- somewhat of a sunshine pill! When the tough stuff comes along, humor gets me through it, along with faith and trust in the things that matter most.

More than three decades of teaching youth and adults on hope-based topics = A dream job. I For a few years, I helped run a production company that visited school districts throughout the U.S. and Canada, with Positive Message themes. Loved it! I spoke for Inspire My Life, a great experience of sharing practical heart and soul messages.

Believe in Goodness!


Most of my work – as a songwriter, author, and speaker – has been focused on Goodness-Faith-Hope. Wanting to inspire my friends to keep hanging on and trusting, laughing and praying, helping and receiving help. In our hearts, we can grow the light of goodness in many ways!


Because of a lifelong habit of getting myself into embarrassing situations, I’ve learned to laugh at myself instead of leaving the job only to others. A good ol’ embarrassing moment makes a great story later on! You’ll find we are into fun and smiles around here.

Color your life joyfully

More than thirty years of addressing real ways that goodness and hope can keep us moving forward is what I love.  Now I get to do it with other good, talented, lovable people through the web! Our goal is to make your days better ones by sharing GOODNESS through the Internet. Having you all join in makes it so much better!

The Master’s Degree in Communications hasn’t brilliantly translated in my ‘mothering’ duties at times, but I sure love being a Mom. And grandmother. It’s the best of all my jobs, next to being a wife. That’s cause he’s just – perfect for me. We laugh a lot and talk a lot. We’re two peas in a pod and enjoy the life journey. with joy!


Good Day To Turn Life            Around

Life has a funny way (which, incidentally, doesn’t usually come in a funny manner) of teaching important lessons. The “goodness factor” always comes through and teaches something valuable. We learn the value of connecting dots, discerning ways we need refining, and hope for more grace and goodness as we grow.  It seems that by sharing goodness with each other in simple ways, we all benefit. That’s the hope of Goodness Matters!

We hope that you find Inspiration here. A reason to smile. Something of uplift and give hope. A place to feel peace and gain a more joy-filled perspective. We want to grow and share and celebrate goodness! Thank you for being here.

Please join in with us: receive the newsletter, send in your good news- personally or something you find in media, or an idea for a simple way Goodness Matters can spotlight a family member, friend, or community member who is doing good stuff.  Share a picture of peaceful nature or precious animals. Offer your fave photo of love, fun, serenity. It’s all good! It inspires all of us!




They said she was nuts.
She was not.
She simply had the guts
To go for the gusto.
To grab life by the handful
And not just nibble-
But feast
On the joys of
Giggles and wiggles,
Little nuggets of chat
And whippets of this and that.

How did she dare –
Those daily troubles
That beset and ensnare-
So quickly bounce them off
And looking at them, scoff,
Then go on about her day
As though she had it made?

Not a soul
may have known,
She had secured her own
To the things that matter most.
When life’s troubles
Might toss her about,
She tossed them out,
Threw them in the air,
And left them there.

Then going on about her day
Made the world a better place,
Gobbling up life’s joy
Like a giant bag of

©2004 Vickey Pahnke Taylor